堆友—AI设计生产力工具:零门槛AI绘画+多种电商设计神器堆友是Alibaba Design打造的设计师全成长周期服务平台,围绕品质、效率、技能、成就、收入五大用户价值布局平台能力,全力服务设计师,旨在成为设计师的好朋友。 堆友历经大厂设计师团队多轮打磨雕刻,集海量高品质3D素材、实时在线渲染、多元场景功能应用、轻便好学易上手等多重优势于一身的设计神器,更自带免费可商用属性,为专业设计师、运营工友、学生小白、社交达人提供了一个零成本的在线设计站点和资源库。
Figma: The Collaborative Interface Design ToolFigma is the leading collaborative design tool for building meaningful products. Seamlessly design, prototype, develop, and collect feedback in a single platform.
Magic Studio : Make beautiful images with AIWith Magic Studio anybody can use AI to create images, add & remove objects, backgrounds and more. Make beautiful images for product pages, ads & social media.